17 #ifndef HH_SENF_Utils_Logger_FileTarget_ 18 #define HH_SENF_Utils_Logger_FileTarget_ 1 22 #include <boost/utility/base_from_member.hpp> 23 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> 53 :
private boost::base_from_member<std::ofstream>,
56 typedef boost::base_from_member<std::ofstream> ofstream_t;
63 explicit FileTarget(std::string
const & filename, std::string
const & nodename =
70 void reopen(std::string
const & file);
72 std::string
const & filename()
77 struct RegisterConsole {
79 static boost::shared_ptr<senf::console::DirectoryNode> create(
80 std::string
const & filename, std::string
const & nodename);
81 static RegisterConsole instance;
Write log messages to arbitrary std::ostream.
Log target writing to a log file.
IOStreamTarget public header.