This howto will introduce the facilities needed to define a new packet type. As example, the GREPacket
type is defined.
The packet library supports two basic packet representations, the more generic one being senf::Packet. This representation does not know anything about the type of packet, its fields or properties. It really only is a bunch of bytes. Possibly there is a preceding packet (header) or a following one, but that is all, a senf::Packet knows. The second representation is implemented by senf::ConcretePacket. This representation derives from senf::Packet and adds information about the packet type, its fields, eventually some invariants or packet specific operations etc. In what follows, we will concentrate on this latter representation. A concrete packet type in senf provides a lot of detailed information about a specific type of packet: \li It provides access to the packets fields \li It may provide additional packet specific functions (e.g. calculating or validating a checksum) \li It provides information on the nesting of packets \li It implements packet invariants To define a new packet type, we need to implement two classes which together provide all this information: \li a \e parser (a class derived from senf::PacketParserBase). This class defines the data fields of the packet header and may also provide additional packet specific functionality. \li a \e packet \e type (a class derived from senf::PacketTypeBase). This class defines, how packets are nested and how to initialize and maintain invariants. The following sections describe how to define these classes. Where appropriate, we will use GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) as an example.
When defining a new packet type, we start out by answering two important questions: \li What kind of parser is needed for this packet type (fixed size or variable sized). \li Whether the packet has another packet as payload (a nested packet) and how the type of this payload is found (whether a registry is used and if yes, which). In the case of GRE, these questions can be answered by just looking at the GRE specification in <a href="">RFC 2784</a>. In Section 2.1 we find the header layout:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |C| Reserved0 | Ver | Protocol Type | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Checksum (optional) | Reserved1 (Optional) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
This header is followed by the payload data. Using this protocol definition, we see that the header incorporates optional fields. Therefore it must be dynamically sized: if the \a Checksum \a Present bit \a C is set, both \a Checksum and \a Reserved1 are present, otherwise both must be omitted. Further inspection of the RFC reveals that the \a Protocol \a Type is used to define the type of payload which directly follows the GRE header. This value is an <a href="">ETHERTYPE</a> value. To allow the packet library to automatically parse the GRE payload data, we need to tell the packet library which ETHERTYPE is implemented by which packet type. This kind of association already exists in the form of the senf::EtherTypes registry. Our GRE packet will therefore use this registry. To summarize: \li The GRE packet header is a dynamically sized header. \li The GRE packet header uses the senf::EtherTypes registry for next-header selection.
Each parser is responsible for turning a bunch of bytes into an interpreted header with specific fields. A parser instance is initialized with an iterator (pointer) to the first byte to be interpreted (the first byte of the packet data) and provides member functions to access the header fields. You could implement these members manually, but the SENF library provides a large set of helper macros which simplify this task considerably.
This is the standard skeleton of any parser class: We need to inherit senf::PacketParserBase and start out by including either \ref SENF_PARSER() or \ref SENF_FIXED_PARSER(), depending on whether we define a fixed size or a dynamically sized parser. As \c GREPacketParser is dynamically sized, we include \ref SENF_PARSER(). The definition of fields will be described in the next subsection. After the fields have been defined, we need to call the \ref SENF_PARSER_FINALIZE() macro to close of the parser definition. This call takes the name of the parser being defined as it's sole argument. This is already a valid parser, albeit not a very usable one, since it does not define any fields. We now go back to define the parser fields and begin with the simple part: fields which are always present.
Packet parser fields are defined using special \ref packetparsermacros. We take the fields directly from the packet definition (the GRE RFC in this case). This will give us to the following code fragment:
This is a correct \c GREPacket header definition, but there is room for a small optimization: Since the \a protocolType field is exactly 2 bytes wide and is aligned on a byte boundary, we can define it as a UInt16 field (instead of a bitfield):
Whereas \ref SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD can only define bit-fields, \ref SENF_PARSER_FIELD can define almost arbitrary field types. The type is specified by passing the name of another parser to \ref SENF_PARSER_FIELD. It is important to understand, that the accessors do \e not return the parsed field value. Instead, they return another \e parser which is used to further interpret the value. This is due to the inherently recursive nature of the SENF packet parsers, that allows us to define rather complex header formats if needed. Of course, at some point we will hit bottom and need real values. This is, what <em>value parsers</em> do: they interpret some bytes or bits and return the value of that field (not a parser). Examples are the bitfield parsers returned by the accessors generated by SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD (like senf::UIntFieldParser) or the senf::UInt16Parser. What is going on inside the macros above? Basically, they define accessor functions for a specific field, like \a checksumPresent() or \a protocolType(). They also manage a <em>current Offset</em>. This value is advanced according to the field size whenever a new field is defined (and since this parser is defined as a dynamically sized parser, this offset is not constant but an expression which calculates the offset of a field depending on the preceding data).
The parser is currently very simple, and it could have been defined as a fixed size parser. Now for the tricky part: defining parsers the optional fields. The mechanism described here is suitable for a single optional field as well as for an optional contiguous sequence of fields. In our GRE example, there are two fields which need to be enabled/disabled en bloc. We first define an auxiliary sub-parser which combines the two fields.
This parser only parses the two optional fields, the second ("Reserved1") field just being skipped. It is a fixed size parser, as indicated by the SENF_FIXED_PARSER() macro. We can now use \ref SENF_PARSER_VARIANT() to add it as an optional parser to the GRE header in our \c GREPacketParser implementation (the typedef'ed checksum_t will be used later on):
For a variant parser, two things need to be specified: a selector and a list of variant parsers. The selector is a distinct parser field that is used to decide which variant to choose. In this simple case, the field must be an unsigned integer (more precisely: a value parser returning a value which is implicitly convertible to \c unsigned). This value is used as an index into the list of variant types. So in our case, the value 0 (zero) is associated with senf::VoidPacketParser, whereas the value 1 (one) is associated with \c GREPacketParser_OptFields. senf::VoidPacketParser is a special (empty or no-op) parser which is used in a variant to denote a case in which the variant parser should not parse anything. This parser will work, it is however not very safe and not very usable. If \a p is a GREPacketParser instance, than we would access the fields via:
This code has two problems: \li accessing the checksum field is quite unwieldy \li changing the checksumPresent() value will break the parser The second problem is caused by the fact that the variant parser needs to be informed whenever the selector (here \a checksumPresent) is changed, since the variant parser must ensure that the header data stays consistent. Whenever the checksumPresent field is enabled, the variant parser needs to insert additional 4 bytes of data. And it must remove those bytes whenever the checksumPresent field is disabled.
The problems outlined above will happen whenever we use variant parsers, and they will often occur with other complex parsers too (most XXX \ref parsercollection reference some field external to themselves, and they will break if that value is changed without them knowing about it). There might be other reasons to restrict access to a field: the field may be set automatically or it may be calculated from other values (we'll see later how to do this). In all these cases we will want to disallow the user to directly change the value, while still allowing to read the value. To do this, we can mark \e value \e fields as read-only:
\e Value \e fields are fields implemented by parsers returning a simple value (i.e. bit-field, integer and some additional parsers like those parsing network addresses) as apposed to complex sub-parsers. In this case however, we still want to allow the user to change the field value, albeit not directly. We will need to go through the collection parser, in this case the variant. The syntax for accessing a variant is quite cumbersome. Therefore we adjust the variant definition to generate a more usable interface:
Here, we added some optional information to the variants type list. With this information, \ref SENF_PARSER_VARIANT() will create some additional \e public accessor members and will automatically make the variant itself private. The members generated work like:
(Again: We don't implement these fields ourselves, this is done by SENF_PARSER_VARIANT())
and init_checksum()
change the selected variant. This will automatically change the checksumPresent()
field accordingly.
The GREPacketParser
is now simple and safe to use. The only responsibility of the user now is to only access checksum() if the checksumPresent() field is set. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined (in debug builds, the parser will terminate the application with an assert).
We have now implemented parsing all the header fields. However, often packets would benefit from additional functionality. In the case of GRE, this could be a function to calculate the checksum value if it is enabled. Defining this member will also show, how to safely access the raw packet data from a parser member.
This code just implements what is defined in the RFC: The checksum covers the complete GRE packet including it's header with the checksum field temporarily set to 0. Instead of really changing the checksum field we manually pass the correct data to \a cs. We use the special <tt>i(</tt><i>offset</i><tt>)</tt> helper to get iterators \a offset number of bytes into the data. This helper has the additional benefit of range-checking the returned iterator and is thereby safe from errors due to truncated packets: If the offset is out of range, a TruncatedPacketException will be thrown. The \a data() function on the other hand returns a reference to the complete data container of the packet under inspection (the GRE packet in this case). Access to \a data() should be restricted as much as possible. It is safe when defining new packet parsers (parsers, which parser a complete packet like GREPacketParser). It's usage from sub parsers (like GREPacketParser_OptFields or even senf::UInt16Parser) would be much more arcane and should be avoided.
So this is now the complete implementation of the \c GREPacketParser:
After defining the packet parser, the <em>packet type</em> must be defined. This class is used as a policy and collects all the information necessary to be known about the packet type. The <em>packet type</em> class is \e never instantiated. It has only typedef, constants or static members.
For every type of packet, the <em>packet type</em> class will look roughly the same. If the packet uses a registry and is not hopelessly complex, the packet type will almost always look like this:
We note, that it derives from two classes: senf::PacketTypeBase and senf::PacketTypeMixin. senf::PacketTypeBase must be inherited by every packet type class. the senf::PacketTypeMixin provides default implementations for some members which are useful for most kinds of packets. If a packet type is very complex and these defaults don't work, the mixin class can and should be left out. More on this (what the default members do exactly and when the mixin can be used) can be found in the senf::PacketTypeMixin documentation. Of the typedefs, only \a parser is mandatory. It defines the packet parser to use to interpret this type of packet. \a mixin and \a packet are defined to simplify the following definitions (More on \a packet and senf::ConcretePacket later). The next block of statements imports all the default implementations provided by the mixin class: \li \a nextPacketRange provides information about where the next packet lives within the GRE packet. \li \a nextPacketType provides the type of the next packet from information in the GRE packet. \li \a init is called to initialize a new GRE packet. This call is forwarded to \c GREPacketParser::init. \li \a initSize is called to find the size of an empty (newly create) GRE packet. This is also provided by GREPacketParser. With these default implementations provided by the mixin, only a few additional members are needed to complete the \c GREPacketType: \a nextPacketKey, \a finalize, and \a dump.
A packet registry maps an arbitrary key value to a type of packet represented by a packet factory instance. There may be any number of packet registries. When working with packet registries, there are three separate steps: \li Using the registry to tell the packet library, what type of packet to instantiate for the payload. \li Given a payload packet of some type, set the appropriate payload type field in the packet header to the correct value (inverse of above). \li Adding packets to the registry. We want the GRE packet to utilize the senf::EtherTypes registry to find the type of packet contained in the GRE payload. The details have already been taken care of by the senf::PacketTypeMixin (it provides the \a nextPacketType member). However, to lookup the packet in the registry, the mixin needs to know the key value. To this end, we implement \a nextPacketKey(), which is very simple:
Since all \c GREPacketType members are static, they are passed the packet in question as an argument. \a nextPacketKey() just needs to return the value of the correct packet field. And since the \c packet type (as defined as a typedef) allows direct access to the packet parser using the <tt>-></tt> operator, we can simply access that value. The \c key_t return type is a typedef provided by the mixin class. It is taken from the type of registry, in this case it is senf::EtherTypes::key_t (which is defined as a 16 bit unsigned integer value). With this information, the packet library can now find out the type of packet needed to parse the GRE payload -- as long as the \a protocolType() is registered with the senf::EtherTypes registry. If this is not the case, the packet library will not try to interpret the payload, it will return a senf::DataPacket. One special case of GRE encapsulation occurs when layer 2 frames and especially ethernet frames are carried in the GRE payload. The ETHERTYPE registry normally only contains layer 3 protocols (like IP or IPX) however for this special case, the value 0x6558 has been added to the ETHERTYPE registry. So we need to add this value to inform the packet library to parse the payload as an ethernet packet if the \a protocolType() is 0x6558. This happens in the implementation file (the \c .cc file):
This macro registers the value 0x6558 in the senf::EtherTypes registry and associates it with the packet type senf::EthernetPacket. This macro declares an anonymous static variable, it therefore must always be placed in the implementation file and \e never in an include file. Additionally, we want the GRE packet to be parsed when present as an IP payload. Therefore we additionally need to register GRE in the senf::IpTypes registry. Looking at the <a href="">IP protocol numbers</a>, we find that GRE has been assigned the value 47:
But wait -- what is \c GREPacket ? This question is answered a few section further down. The last thing we need to do is, we need to set the \a protocolType() field to the correct value when packets are newly created or changed. This is done within \a finalize:
The \c key() function is provided by the mixin class: It will lookup the \e type of a packet in the registry and return that packets key in the registry. If the key cannot be found, the return value is such that the assignment is effectively skipped.
Many packets have some invariants that must hold: The payload size must be equal to some field, a checksum must match and so on. When packets are newly created or changed, these invariants have to be updated to be correct. This is the responsibility of the \a finalize() member.
We already used finalize above to set the \a protocolType() field. Now we add code to update the \a checksum() field if present (this always needs to be done last since the checksum depends on the other field values). Here we are using the more generic parser assignment expressed using the \c << operator. This operator in the most cases works like an ordinary assignment, however it can also be used to assign parsers to each other efficiently and it supports 'optional values' (as provided by <a href="">Boost.Optional</a> and as returned by \c key()).
For diagnostic purposes, every packet should provide a meaningful \a dump() member which writes out the complete packet. This member is simple to implement and is often very helpful when tracking down problems.
This member is quite straight forward. We should try to adhere to the formating standard shown above: The first line should be the type of packet/header being dumped followed by one line for each protocol field. The colon's should be aligned at column 33 with the field name indented by 2 spaces. The \c boost::ios_all_saver is just used to ensure, that the stream formatting state is restored correctly at the end of the method. An instance of this type will save the stream state when constructed and will restore that state when destructed.
The \c GREPacket implementation is now almost complete. The only thing missing is the \c GREPacket itself. \c GREPacket is just a typedef for a specific senf::ConcretePacket template instantiation. Here the complete GREPacket definition:
We now know how to define packets, but there is more. In this section we will explore the features available to make the packet chaining more flexible. We will show, how to implement more complex logic than simple registry lookup to find the nested packet (the payload) type. In our concrete example, reading the RFC we find there are some restrictions which a GRE packet needs to obey to be considered valid. If the packet is not valid it cannot be parsed and should be dropped. We can't drop it here but if the packet is invalid, we certainly must refrain from trying to parser any payload since we cannot assume the packet to have the format we assume our GRE packet to have. There are two conditions defined in the RFC which render a GRE packet invalid: If one of the \a reserved0() fields first 5 bits is set or if the version is not 0. We will add a \a valid() check to the parser and utilize this check in the packet type. So first lets update the parser. We will need to change the fields a little bit so we have access to the first 5 bits of \a reserved0. We therefore replace the first three field statements with
We have added an additional private bitfield \a reserved0_5bits_() and we made the \a version() field read-only. We will now add a simple additional member to the parser:
I think, this is quite straight forward: \a valid() will just check the restrictions as defined in the RFC. Now to the packet type. We want to refrain from parsing the payload if the packet is invalid. This is important: If the packet is not valid, we have no idea, whether the payload is what we surmise it to be (if any of the \a reserved0_5bits_() are set, the packet is from an older GRE RFC and the header is quite a bit longer so the payload will be incorrect). So we need to change the logic which is used by the packet library to find the type of the next packet. We have two ways to do this: We keep using the default \c nextPacketType() implementation as provided by the senf::PacketTypeMixin and have our \a nextPacketKey() implementation return a key value which is guaranteed never to be registered in the registry. The more flexible possibility is implementing \c nextPacketType() ourselves. In this case, the first method would suffice, but we will choose to go the second route to show how to write the \c nextPacketType() member. We therefore remove the \c using declaration of \c nextPacketType() and also remove the \a nextPacketKey() implementation. Instead we add the following to the packet type
As we see, this is still quite simple. \c factory_t is provided by senf::PacketTypeBase. For our purpose it is an opaque type which somehow enables the packet library to create a new packet of a specified packet type. The \c factory_t has a special value, \c no_factory() which stands for the absence of any concrete factory. In a boolean context this (and only this) \c factory_t value tests \c false. The \c lookup() member is provided by the senf::PacketTypeMixin. It looks up the key passed as argument in the registry and returns the factory or \c no_factory(), if the key was not found in the registry. In this case this is all. But let's elaborate on this example. What if we need to return some specific factory from \a nextPacketType(), e.g. what, if we want to handle the case of transparent ethernet bridging explicitly instead of registering the value in the senf::EtherTypes registry ? Here one way to do this:
As can be seen above, every packet type has a (static) \a factory() member which returns the factory for this type of packet.
Every packet when created is automatically initialized with 0 bytes (all data bytes will be 0). In the case of GRE this is enough. But other packets will need other more complex initialization to be performed. Lets just for the sake of experiment assume, the GRE packet would have to set \a version() to 1 not 0. In this case, the default initialization would not suffice. It is however very simple to explicitly initialize the packet. The initialization happens within the parser. We just add
to \c GREPacketParser. For every read-only defined field, the macros automatically define a \e private read-write accessor which may be used internally. This read-write accessor is used here to initialize the value.
So here we now have \c GREPacket finally complete in all it's glory. First the header file \c GREPacket.hh:
And the implementation file \c
The GRE packet is now fully integrated into the packet library framework. For example, we can read GRE packets from a raw INet socket and forward decapsulated Ethernet frames to a packet socket.
Or we can do the opposite: Read ethernet packets from a \c tap device and send them out GRE encapsulated.
Lets start with references to the important API's (Use the <i>List of all members</i> link to get the complete API of one of the classes and templates): <table class="senf fixedcolumn"> <tr><td>senf::ConcretePacket</td> <td>this is the API provided by the packet handles.</td></tr> <tr><td>senf::PacketData</td> <td>this API provides raw data access accessible via the handles 'data' member.</td></tr> <tr><td>senf::PacketParserBase</td> <td>this is the generic parser API. This API is accessible via the packets \c -> operator or via the sub-parsers returned by the field accessors.</td></tr> </table> When implementing new packet's, the following information will be helpful: <table class="senf fixedcolumn"> <tr><td>senf::PacketTypeBase</td> <td>here you find a description of the members which need to be implemented to provide a 'packet type'. Most of these members will normally be provided by the mixin helper.</td></tr> <tr><td>senf::PacketTypeMixin</td> <td>here you find all about the packet type mixin and how to use it.</td></tr> <tr><td>\ref packetparser</td> <td>This section describes the packet parser facility.</td></tr> <tr><td>\link packetparsermacros Packet parser macros\endlink</td> <td>A complete list and documentation of all the packet parser macros.</td></tr> <tr><td>\ref parseint, \n \ref parsecollection</td> <td>There are several lists of available reusable packet parsers. However, these lists are not complete as there are other protocol specific reusable parsers (without claiming to be exhaustive: senf::INet4AddressParser, senf::INet6AddressParser, senf::MACAddressParser)</td></tr> </table>